Friday, August 15, 2008

Where do America go from here?

Well after a week of BS where we have seen a staged (at the cost of real people) crisis for the hopes of McCain scoring brownie points, how do we as Americans feel towards what we do next?

Do we once again cringe with fear of being attacked? I'd say yes if we let that warmonger McCain get into the white house. Do we really want someone postulating about how they will keep us safe while keeping us poor (of course for the benefit of all their big business friends and lobbyist)? We would spend countless months of going from yellow to orange alerts (even though there would be no evidence for the alert warnings). As soon as a country that McCain has a pet peeve against (Russia, Iran, and any other country he hates) we would be confronted with going to war.

He would be the perfect puppet that the neocons could hope for (after Bush of course). No avoiding he would stop immigration into this country by any means. Picking and choosing the races he felt should not participant in the great American dream (which is dumb since we are a melting pot). I am not talking about screening terrorist. This can be proven by looking at the "No Fly List" or the spying by the telecoms companies. He sole purpose is to keep us in a state of fear (not because we live in a world that is out to get us, but because fear is a good control lever.

We have spent the last 8 years with a president committing every crime that a person could commit and get away with it (thank god he wasn't black, because the screaming and the prosecution would be on).

When do we, as Americans wake up to WTF! Every presidential campaign it is always boiled down to some religious objective. Why? This is a nation of various religions so religion should never be an issue. I'm talking about same sex marriages, Christianity, birth control, etc. People should be able to practice their belief without encroaching on others belief. Yes, I mean those that believe in no abortions make that a point that they live by and leave those that do not believe in that point of view alone. If it is not a person of your faith, my question is simply, why are you bothering them? This whole religious aspect is similar of the Salem witch hunt. If a person was different just kill them, no questions asked. What the hell did we make laws for if someone is committing an unspeakable act? Instead of law we let the religious take care of it? Hell no. So we need to stop making our every election based off of what an individual believe religiously.

But none the less every 4 years we have election with the duty and responsibility to make the decision of picking some one that is the lesser of two evils and hoping all ends well. Will for once in our lives we have a chance to pick a winner and not the lesser of two evils. Irregardless of the sickos that pretend they go under the title of right, extreme right or right winger (which they are not) to finally get a president that wants to put us first? Why do we let people shay us with what we know is not the truth to justify being torn in our position of what is right? Do anyone think McCain is the anti-Christ? No. We may think a many other things about him, but it is not pure evil. Yet, just because a sicko calls Obama one I should believe it? I'm so stupid now that the neocons can tell me how to think?

I face the fact that a racist will continue to be one and will rather see all us go to hell then make this world a better place (just like the neocons). But the bulk of us can not be so childish. We are all seeing hardship and we all know why. The last puppet in the white house we easily became aware of how ignorant he was and how the only conclusion we could come to is that he was just a tool for a shadow government. Why would any sane person give that shadow government another chance by voting McCain into the white house?

McCain has desperately wanted to president for too many years. Now that he is old he is a prime target for being used. He and his campaign barely are on the same page, he has let his new campaign manager morph him to the person that he hated in the year 2000 and 2004, he no longer has any integrity, or honor.

When I hear McCain I like him, personally, but like a grandfather; however, I would not put him in charge of my life, finances, personal problems (that could lead to war) or my children. I would let him visit and we would all go out and I would probably be in charged of the finances. No McCain is a nice old man, but the problem is he is falling for his own delusions of ruling the free world (not for me and you, but just like another trophy wife -- sorry Cindy, it is what it is).

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