Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What If....

What would have been the backlash if Obama had put out an ad with McCain sandwich between Lil Kim and Foxy Brown? Granted there are not that many pictures of McCain at any big rallies out side of one or two (which in most cases was where he was invited to events that was guarantee a large audience). But let's pretend. What would have been the medias response, the public response, or the white American response? Wouldn't that have been delegated to the open waters of unmitigated racism?

What if Obama's web site compared McCain to a person of color, say a great black basketball player and then scrubbed it from his web site, and let's say a week later McCain mentioned how his opponent would compared him to Patrick Ewing. How would the media have responsed when Obama's camp then declared McCain was playing the race card?

What if Obama put out a negative ad once again showing McCain as a celebrity but this time minus any starlets but used alot of young black women touting how much they adored McCain, while at the same time the ad it self insulted Mccain's character, his patronage, and the truth about his policies. And let's say Obama ran this ad during the Olympics. Would the media see Obama as being no more than a jealous juvenile or would they continue to say it was a good ad?

What if Obama was surrounded by lobbyist, especially the sort that favor big oil companies and questionable regimes. Would the masses or the media ignore that simply fact as well? Even though Obama would be on video (from years ago) stating how much lobbyist can influence a candidates decision?

What if Obama was filthy rich ($100 million) and McCain had pulled his self up by his boot straps while enduring food stamps, scholarships, mother and father dying while he was young, and just recently paying off his student loans. Would the media allow Obama to push the point that McCain was an elitist?

Would the Talking Heads be ignoring Obama's every stumble, gaffe, lie, or misstep if he was white?

America is shaming itself right now during this election by allowing the Talking Heads to assail the masses with such tripe. While they seem to fall a sleep when it comes to McCain they are forever critical of Obama. If it was objective, I would be tolerant. But the Talking Heads has been and continue to be bias and fail to report the news as it happens. They bring in pundits that some times make very false and racial statements (especially since McCain let that genie out of the bottle) .

What's makes this unacceptable is the fact that Obama only asked for the chance to make a difference. If we don't want him fine, but all this racial undertone, character bashing and assault is distressing since the only thing Obama wants is to give America a chance to turn the page.

The fact that we do nothing while we continue to allow the same old politics to persist and dominate our will is an insult to our desire to want change. We want change but will not fight for it.

When will people start getting it? This time it is about the people against the government machine. It's time we got the government to clean up the mess that was never beneficial for us in the first place. Next we need to bring the Talking Heads into line and start demanding that we get the news unadulterated (the good with the bad). Not just their spin on it absence 70% of the truth when it comes to one candidate and 75% negative (even if untrue) towards another candidate. Isn't that why we have magazines like the National Enquirer and Star magazine if all we want is some bullshit with a touch of truth. I should not have to go on the internet to hear more to a story when the prime time networks and cable networks are already discussing the subject, which only illustrate that we are missing vital information.

This is the 21st century. America is a melting pot and its time we start living like it and start thinking about our children and their future. We can not let their next 8 years be the same as the last 8 years. And, since I am not a pundit or racist, a vote for McCain is a vote for a puppet who will only let the same crap be perpetuated on us once again.

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