Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Senator McCain What's That About?.

Last time I checked my passport, I fell under the category of American! If that's true then by what peoples right do you have, Senator wanna-be-president McCain, of telling Americans “we are all Georgians?" No I'm not!! I know you are the foreign policy leader but what happened was this a flub? Why would you make promises that America had no interest in keeping?

I think America needs to set it straight and send Senator McCain some "Straight Talk" via a letter (especially, since he is so familiar with the term "Straight Talk).

Dear Senator McCain,

Just because your lobbyist (also known as your foreign policy advisor) is in bed with a foreign country and got paid and (let's not forget to mention how) you pushed for the Nation of Georgia to become a part of NATO, why must you involve the whole of America? Hello... in case you missed my intent, I am referring to the American people. What made you think that we, the American people, who's economy is in the tank and have our own issues (while a bumbling idiot still rules the white house -- sorry, I still cringe when Bush opens his mouth) care about another war? How much money do you plan to invest in this campaign about how you will be a great war leader (and do nothing else) must we Americans endure? But you don't want just any war you want a war with a superpower? Tap, tap, tap...Do you think we could build a little USA esteem before we once again go marching off like tin soliders in our attempt to bring democracy to the world?

But America have more questions and would like to know what's up with some of your sound decisions and judgment. Mr. republican wanna-be-president McCain why did I hear reports about you being in contact with the president of Georgia on a daily basis? (if you don't have flash you will not be able to see the video below. See it later at home).

What's that about?

Furthermore, why am I also reading in the news that your foreign policy advisor (Randy Scheunemann) is still advising the Nation of Georgia while
still being your foreign policy advisor?

Randy Scheunemann earned about $70,000 serving as Sen. John McCain's top foreign policy adviser between the January 2007 and May 15, 2008. During the same period, the government of Georgia paid his firm $290,000 in lobbying fees. Today's Washington Post reports a stark illustration of the conflict of interest that Scheunemann faced while advising McCain on foreign policy matters related to the former Soviet Republic and also working for the Georgia embassy.

What's that about?

I also heard that you, not our dimwitted president, plan to send a delagation to the Nation of Georgia. No offense but that action seems very presumtious, are you sure you want to make that move. After all you and your campaigns were the ones pointing out how presumtious Obama was in Germany? Oh I get it...when you do it, its presidential but if Obama (who did not do it, but you accused him of it) look presidential it's presumtious. Well, just so you know the news is reporting this trip and it is not being viewed as favorable by...gasp, Americans.

I mean it's mighty strange that the President of Georgia called you out by name in his address to the America people today? Why would he do that? Oh, I must be having brain leakage tonight. That's right the connection to your forceful comments where the Nation of Georgia is concern is in direct relation to your recent words and actions. Such as:

  • your currently-on-your-payroll foreign advisor is a lobbyist for the Nation of Georgia,
  • you pushed for that nation to be included in NATO (which it is not at this present moment),
  • you nominated that's country's president for the nobel peace prize in 2005,
  • you have been talking to that country's president on a regular basis,
  • you have sent a non-presidential delagation to that region, and
  • you have reminded America how Georgia have adopted a christianity belief.

What's that about?

Might I be so bold and ask that you spend just a tiny bit of time allaying the American peoples problems. Yes, I got the message that you want to show us how you are always ready and willing to go to war and fight for the American dream (to rule the world). Rule the world after you fix our economy. I know you're old, but I've got proof positive information that you get your rest. Now I need for you to focus on America.



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