Friday, August 15, 2008

Recap 08/15/08

I've decided to start a weekly recap on Friday nights.

This week we've heard McCain get loud and strong on the first day of the situation of Georgia. We've also listen to McCain commit gaffes (as usual -- "We are all Georgians" and "In the 21 Century nations should not invade nations"). We've heard how by day two McCain toned his rhetoric down by a notch and by day three he was sending emissaries to the nation of Georgia to appease the American's minds. At the same time President Bush made two non-effectual speeches and then promptly went on vacation to give McCain his time to shine.

We also noted that while McCain was acting presumptuous nobody was listening and thought he had lost his mind. Even though McCain acted like his bags were already on their way to the white house we all had to say not so fast, it takes us for you to shine.

Mean time Obama is still enjoying his vacation but putting out wicked ads to knock McCain's BS down. Obama also managed to have gotten the most money from Wall Street (employees) and the Military. Obama also managed to get the most votes from the religious sector.

Talking about Obama's ads it must be pointed out that they awesome an the equivalent of 1-2-3 knock outs. He exposed McCain's fraud all over the place and the DNC, and Union helped too. They exposed McCain's DHL deal (even through factcheck want to call it a partial truth, 30 seconds do not give you time to write a thesis), his millions, his lobbyist connection, his lies and his bogus character (without getting nasty like McCain).

We also got to listen to the talking heads (minus the Keith Olbermann show, sometimes MSNBC and ABC's J. Trapper) try to tie Obama up with who came out swinging against Russia-Georgia situation with McCain winning (shocking). This is the usual pattern for every week. The cable news have nothing but negative things to say about Obama 2 to 1 when it comes to McCain.

We saw Hillary names and the RNC tried to make us feel pain pretending that their was friction where none existed. We also heard the dumb PUMA's and Hillary sickos fight a dumb cause.

Truth be known even when McCain is given the stage he still can't make it work. All America got see was someone who's age is showing and a young man, even on vacation, makes our hearts swell with hope.

Finally, since the republicans are happy to pick a vice president that is ready to take over since they feel McCain will die while being president, who do you thing will be the choice for these conservatives and neocons.? Leave a comments and let's discuss. (F**ked as that is, it's true.)

Peace out.

I will add some facts and videos tomorrow.

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