Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is The Negativity of McCain's Campain just petty jealousy?

After reading a very interesting article by David Border concerning the negativity that this campaign has taken, it caused me to ask the question of whether McCain's real reason for embarking into that arena was due to his petty jealousy?

David Border asked John McCain "How do you feel about the tone and direction of the campaign so far?" McCain's response was very interesting:

"I'm very sorry about it," McCain said in a Saturday interview at his Arlington headquarters. "I think we could have avoided at least some of this if we had agreed to do the town hall meetings" together, as he had suggested, during the summer months."

Does McCain know how petty that sounds? Clearly from the blogs I have read regarding this topic a lot of people are just ready to write McCain off as a bitter old man. But not so fast. That statement is plagued with a wealth of tell alls about McCain's mind set. Whereas some people want to push the statement as coming from an old man, I see it coming from the other end of the age spectrum and it shows that McCain has very jealous juvenile tendencies. Since I have children the analogy was very easy to see. When one child will NOT play the game the other one wants, the first child considers that an act of war and ventures into the realm of striking back by any means, short of physical harm (although sometimes it does come to blows between children).

The picture McCain is portraying to me is one of a petty jealous juvenile-bully. Doubtless not one that beat you up for your lunch money everyday, but one that gets so jealous and angry because the other person won't do what they want and then when that person is looked favorably on for rejecting the petty jealous juvenile-bully, the petty jealous juvenile-bully then looks for ways to hurt that person in an emotional way and be damn how that will make the petty jealous juvenile-bully look. They don't care. They just want the the world to know how enraged they are. Sort of the "be damn of the consequences" approach.

I agree with Obama when he said that he and McCain have ultimate control over their campaign (unless McCain is really just a puppet, which for now I will give him the benefit of the doubt). So when Obama denied McCain the opportunity to travel with him to the middle east and then Obama had the nerve to turn it out and be labeled as a rock star. McCain's petty jealousy and juvenile-bully came out in full force and (maybe) when his campaign asked how he wanted to handle the situation he probably told his inner circle to find someway to destroy Obama. Thus we got the "media love Obama ad," the Obama is willing to lose a war to win an election, the infamous "celebrity" ad and of course the "he played the race card."

Of course the consequences was probably not what McCain wanted. There was an immediate backlash from the media over McCain's false claim that the media didn't notice him, he got a public and government out cry over Obama not being patriotic enough and of course we know he got an even uglier responses for the celebrity ad and the race card accusation.

McCain's actions can not be viewed as anything less than a jealous temper-tantrum of the petties kind. But my question to McCain, if he can answer one in between yelling Surge, Surge, Surge and Drill, Drill, Drill, what about what's troubling the American people (who really do not have time for watching your petty jealous juvenile-bully in action)? Your petty jealous juvenile-bully actions may make the RNC, neocons, and right winger happy but keep in mind that you need more votes then just that base. We need answers, not skits. You should give full concentration towards answering the big questions (and not in the key of one note -- drill, drill, drill) if you want to win or much less stay in the game.

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