Saturday, August 2, 2008

Opps he did it again with the help of MSM

While examining the pundits reaction to Dana Milbank's (conservative truth speaker) post of I gotcha (irregardless of fact), I examined the pundits reaction. To highlight a few pundits such as Pat Buchanan, Tucker Carlson and Joe Sarborough (privileged spoiled bigots of the highest order) and their conduct throughout the other day has amplified the issue of race being put into the campaign, I have come to note that on a subliminal (if you are dense) level McCain has been playing that card for a little while. But McCain has not been alone in his effort. The Mass Media's talking heads (MSM) has aided him in this endeavor. You have people like Pat Buchanan who turn up on practically all of MSNBC news shows (with the exception of Keith Olbermann) asking the question: is Obama "one of us." Who this "us" refers to is always undefined so one can only use their imagination. Does Pat mean: unhuman, unAmerican, unelitist, unwealthy, uninvited to the private club, unprivileged, un-right-color? Nevertheless, Pat is not alone in this endeavor. You have Tucker who is forever spouting how arrogant Obama is, even while he ascertain that who ever runs for president has to be arrogant. Of course he then counterpoints that with Obama being too arrogant and unworthy of being elected (basically). Of course their is Joe being just his usual asshole self and proving that, yes, even (supposedly)educated men can be stupid; especially if they spend 3 hours of every morning (minus Saturday and Sunday thank goodness) spouting dribble.

But Pat, Joe nor Tucker are alone. You have other talking heads discussing if Obama is uppity, arrogant, or presumptuous. If you are a Black American those words have a particular meaning and none of them are praising. They inherently mean, to a Black American, that Black people need to learn their place and stop trying to make it to the big house. In the MSM quest to show they are above the fray they have now become insensitive to Black Americans' history of being insulted in this same manner by white/black slave owners, the KKK and racist. They can forget that any attempts of having a black pundit saying "it is not about race" or "Obama has to walk a fine line between looking presidential or arrogant" will change the bulk of Black Americas opinion of their lack of sensitivity. Those descriptors are insulting and demeaning; especially, since Obama has done nothing different than McCain with the exception that he did it better and he is Black.

Granted, I can truly understand why McCain would give no thought to offending Black Americans especially since Obama currently holds over 90% of the black American vote and McCain holds only a single digit percent. McCain has smartly surmised that he does not need to play nice to this group of American people. But that does not excuse the MSM from skewing this race with their constant lack of examination of McCain; but continuous chatter of pushing the image that there is some justification to McCain's (race) baiting and insults towards Obama. The MSM lack of doing their job is an insult to the intelligence of the American people, plus this constant pandering to every right wing talking point is getting stupid. They are well aware that most of what McCain has either said or done should be examined under the same microscope (I mean stronger microscope) that they subject Obama to and it is getting harder and harder to keep McCain's total F-Ups under wrap.

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